How Motivation Impacts Productivity in the Workplace

Every company wants employees who arrive at the office in on time, put 110 percent into each day and value customers. Those productive and motivated employees directly affect profits, but keeping quality employees is a challenge most businesses face. How can a company achieve maximum employee productivity? By implementing eight motivational techniques that can help improve productivity in the workplace.

1. Employee Recognition

Recognition is the biggest way a company can keep employees motivated. When employees know they are valued and appreciated by their company, they feel good about themselves and their abilities. They want to live up to the praise and work even harder. Companies can provide recognition with:

  • Performance certificates
  • Employee of the Month rewards
  • Verbal gratitude for a job well done
  • Public recognition in an internal or customer newsletter
  • Annual employee recognition banquets

2. Job Security

Employees value stability in the workplace. If they work for a company with one foot in the grave, they are more likely to place minimal effort into their job. A productive work day results when employees know their employer is succeeding and moving forward.

3. Interesting Work

Every employee works better when he or she performs enjoyable work. Wise hiring agents match employees to positions that maximize their training, skills and interests. Then, employees arrive at work enthusiastic and eager to do their best, leading to more motivation and productivity in the workplace.

4. Promotion Opportunities

Most staff members appreciate promotions and work hard to achieve this reward. When possible, companies should motivate employees by offering opportunities for increased responsibility and eventual promotion.

5. Positive Working Environment

Bullying, discrimination or cliques discourage employees from doing their best and may lead to high turnover. A positive workplace environment encourages staff retention, motivation, and productivity.

6. Supportive Supervisors

Every employee carries personal problems to work. Caring supervisors do not need to be therapists, but a kind word, flexible work schedule and understanding shoulder go a long way toward showing employees that they are valued. Employees then work harder and smarter.

7. Tactful Discipline

Every work environment needs a disciplinary policy. However, harsh discipline, including being called out in front of other employees, does not promote productivity. It does cause staff members to fear making mistakes, and it stifles creativity, however. Productive workers understand the rules and know that they will be disciplined with tact if necessary.

8. Financial Incentives

Monetary rewards go a long way in showing appreciation to staff members. Employees will work harder to meet quotas, gain positive customer reviews and meet other goals when extra money is at stake. If financial bonuses are not possible, companies should at least pay employees a fair wage for the tasks they complete and benefit from a fun break room, regular office outings and other special events.

Employee productivity and company profits go hand in hand. Companies can increase motivation and energy with coffee vending machines, but they will also want to implement eight techniques that increase productivity every day.