Malt Liquor found in Pepsi Vending Machine

Drink Vending MachineWell here is something you do not hear about every day. Imagine strolling to your favorite Pepsi vending machine in search of a delicious sugary beverage, only to find a few bottles of malt liquor tucked away where sodas used to be. According to the DCist, this is exactly what happened in Washington D.C. a few days ago.

The malt liquor was found in a drink vending machine in the Trinidad neighborhood. MPD officers have since disabled the machine, which was charging $3 for the malt liquor in an attempt to sell the drink to minors. The police have yet to find out who exactly found their way into the machine and filled it with some not-so-appropriate beverages.

You certainly won’t find malt liquor vending machines here at What you will find, however, are some of the industry’s best snack machines at even better prices. From soda and chips, to coffee, to everything in between, we have a machine that will instantly add value and revenue to your establishment. With flexible financing options and a dedicated support staff, are vending machines for sale are among the very best in business. And they certainly will not get you into any legal trouble.